Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I'm not sure a blog is the place to put all this, but I do play with an awful lot of neat stuff (well I think it's neat)... and I have a rotten memory, so I love documenting what I've worked on, so future-Jeff can find it.

I like to think of myself as a can-do guy, but at the end of the day, I want to feel good about my code.  Well written code pays dividends over and over in maintainability and expandability.  

I'm a huge believer in loose-coupling.  Each code block should have the least possible number of dependencies.  You don't need goto's to produce spaghetti code, all you need is a high number of dependencies.

My current interests:
  • .Net 
  • Web applications
  • CSS
  • jQuery
  • Model driven design.  I'm currently learning Eric Evans' "Domain Driven Design" patterns, but more generic than that, I believe the model layer (or business layer) should be the driving force behind application development.
  • Unit testing - I believe in testing all code in the smallest units possible.
  • Design by contract
  • Relational databases (Oracle, Sqlite, MsSql, MySql)
  • Database optimization.

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